Saturday, October 13, 2007

Week 5 - Image Generators

Image generators are quite fun to play with. Not sure about the Letter James one as usually shy away from things that say try for free as they may come back wanting some of that paper stuff and where would I get it. With Generator blog one doesn't even know where to begin. Still could do some fancy pressies for the 2 legs from it.
Found a neat one to do my new book cover. After a lifetime of study a shame not to pass my knowledge on. Even the 2 legs could learn from it.
Incidently if you are reading this here is a great site below to pick a name for us feline friends from. Of course we will never tell you our real names.

Week 5 - Rollyo

This is a very interesting site and very easy to use. It would appear easy to update and change one's selection. Having figure out now the ease of adding HTML statements to my blog meant I could add a Rollyo search roll, plus a visitor counter at the bottom of my blog. Bit tired before to see things clearly. Obviously had upset my momentum by trying to spice up my life by taking my afternoon nap in the morning and vice versa. Anyway Rollyo is well worth looking at and can make searching for things a bit easier. Interesting too to see some of the search rolls already created.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Library Thing

Interesting site very easy to use. So I created a small library of my own and have added some books to my list. I was going to add it to my site but I got it wrong. It is copy the HTML from Library things and paste into the HTML on my blog. Anyway my librarything site is
Have to work the rest out when I get time. Oknow I will add to this blog. Interesting that from libraything the first listing actually puts all my books on this blog, while the second which I have left actually searches all the librarything's listings. Bit at odds with what it said when I tried them.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

RSS Feeds

What I wanted to do was to create feeds about my feline friends in other libraries throughout the world. Unfortunately "Cats in Libraries" turned up no hits in Feedstar, Topix, Syndic8 while Technorati turned up a blog so I searched elsewhere. Interestings sites include ; check it out and see Xena at St Heliers. Another great site is which includes Dewey Readmore's Basic Rules. This was an interesting assignment although the video no longer works
This was also informative
This is but a few. There are lots more such sites out there. Also all you library cats out there see my listings for JustAnswer for all your vet problems.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Week 4 - Bloglines

Got as far as doing a bloglines account. Certainly can get a lot of information out there. Time is a bit short this week so I have not quite found all the links I want to make the site purrfect. However the link is