Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Week 7 - Wikis

Wikis are a great concept and a good way of updating and sharing knowledge. There is always the danger of pranksters so the GIGO (Garbage in Garbage Out) principle still applies. Library Success was quite good in that one needed to register in order to add information and at least the pranksters can be weeded out. This however is only a small portion of users and most are quite serious about what they do. The whole prospect is quite interesting and as time goes by may mean that much more relevant local information and content can be added. Books have the problem of being relevant up to a specific time, whereas a Wiki can be regarde as a living book. This can be very important in the development of specialised Wikis particularly in the realms of science and environment where todays discoveries are tomorrows history. Wikis are definetly part of librarys Web 2.0.
Have also added site to Favourite Blogs in PBWiki. Love the term Sandbox although this is not quite what I use mine for. Easy to use and obviously fun to produce ones own wiki. Had a look at the PBWiki site itself and certainly everything is quite self explanatory.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work so far!