Saturday, November 24, 2007


Bolero was probably about 4 years old. He had been so badly damaged that my two legs were amazed that he had even survived the injuries that had been inflicted upon him. He was even smaller than me and I am the youngest. My two legs had taken him in just over a year ago when he was living wild, and they doubted he would have lived that extra year in the wild. He was quiet and not great at playing games as he really did not know how, but he tried. He showed great affection and trust in our two legs, but today all his injuries which had weakened his immune system caught up to him. It was with great reluctance that my two legs took him to the cat doctor and decided to end his suffering here and let him go to cat heaven. The two legs tell me that he will not be alone as two others he knows (whom I have not mentioned previously as I really did not know them), Pestido Who was 18 and Baby Puss who was 22 when they passed on earlier this year, will be there to greet him. Bye my friend.

1 comment:

Blogstronaut said...

May Bolero rest in peace